Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Lovely Bones

As part of my goal to read 30, yes thirty, books in 2010, The Lovely Bones was the newest addition to my book list. This is actually my second time reading the book, but considering I first read it as a freshman in high school, I thought a little maturity and growth on my part over the last seven years might lead to a better understanding of the novel.

Well it's still a pretty weird book. Still a good book, but weird nonetheless. (And I read Chuck Palahniuk on the regs.) If you don't know the book, it is narrated by a young girl who was murdered by a neighbor and is now stuck in the "inbetween" between heaven and earth. The first half is very emotionally compelling- I didn't cry, but Jaimie couldn't stop- still, the second half seems to drag a little and get away from the focus that made the first half so unique.

The movie is interesting to say the least... although the imagery of the film is amazing, the storyline had to be altered a bit to fit a more traditional movie storyline and I found it distracting comparing book to movie (as I often do)

Still it's a book you won't come across everyday that gets my wholehearted approval (hey, after all I've read it twice - usually that feat is only reserved for Harry Potter novels.) But unless you don't have a soul (like me) you might want to invest in some tissues. Tear jerker alert.

Sidenote: This author also wrote a book about matricide (killing your mom). I bought the book for my mother for Christmas without knowing what it was about. Fun times.

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